October 1, 2021

mgr Joanna Ryszka (president)


Joanna Ryszka, M.A. 


is a PhD candidate in linguistics at the University of Silesia in Katowice and the Sapienza University of Rome, where she prepares her thesis under the supervision of Professor Rafał Molencki and Professor Irene Ranzato. Ms Ryszka is a lecturer at the University of Silesia in Katowice, where she teaches linguistics and translation. She is an active member of two scientific circles, PhD Students in Linguistics’ Scientific Circle in Katowice (2021/2022 – the president of the Circle, 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 – the vice-president of the circle) and PhD Students’ Scientific Circle NEOlinguists in Sosnowiec (2021/2022 – a member, 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 – the president of the Circle). Since 2022, she is a member of the editorial office of Status quaestionis, and is in charge of the NEOlinguists’ website. 

She graduated from the English Philology: Translation Programme with Japanese at the University of Silesia and received her Master’s degree in linguistics based on her dissertation titled The Selective Analysis of Japanese and English Compounds in Terms of Semantic Transparency and Analysability. Currently, she is working on her PhD thesis titled The Impact of British-Japanese Relations on British English: a Diachronic Sociolinguistic Study, where she analyses the influence of British-Japanese relations on the description of Japan in British texts and the presence of Japanese borrowings in British English. Her professional interests revolve around the evolution of languages – mainly in terms of vocabulary –, discourse analysis, language contact, borrowings, and translation. In her works, she usually focuses on English and Japanese.

ORCID – ResearchGate – Academia.edu – Google Scholar


1) Golda, P., Mężyk, J., Ryszka, J., Uchman, T. & Jedziniak, A. (2022). Colour Terms in Five Linguistic Images of the World: The Semantic Perspective. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies, 22(4), 39–58.

2) Golda, P., Ryszka, J., Karabag, O., Messias Leandro, B. & Zemmour, J. (2022). The Transfer of Names in Various Translations of Brothers Grimm’s Rumpelstilzchen. Białostockie Archiwum Językowe, 22, 83–107.

3) Golda, P., Karabag, O., & Ryszka, J. (2023). «Sésame, ouvre-toi»: internationalisme phraséologique à contenu universel. Studia Linguistica, 42, 37–58.

4) Jedziniak, A., & Ryszka, J. (2024). Słownikowe obrazy podróży w językach polskim, angielskim i japońskim w perspektywie analizy synonimii leksykalnej. Prace Językoznawcze, 26(1), 147–163.

Member of the editorial office:

Rizzo, A. (Ed.) (2022). Into the Translation for Museums, Festivals, and the Stage: Creativity and the Transmedial Turn. Status Quaestionis, 23.

Di Rocco, E. (Ed.) (2023). The Imaginary Voyage: New, Other, Virtual Worlds. Status Quaestionis, 24.

Ciambella, F. (Ed.) (2023). Old Language(s), New Technologies: Corpus Linguistics and European Languages in the Renaissance, 1400s-1600s. Status Quaestionis, 25.

Abignente, E., Cangiano, M., Fantappiè, I. Mattia Gallerani, G., Gatto, M., Giusti F. (Eds.) (2024). Teoria/Theory. Perspectives on Literary Criticism and Comparative Literature. Status Quaestionis, 26.


11.04.2024 “A Foil to the Hero: Antiheroic Characters in Language, Literature, and Translation”, Sapienza University of Rome, ITALY; title of the presentation: “From hero to a reckless zero: The semantic change of the word kamikaze“;

25.03.2024 OMIS – Oriental Meetings in Sosnowiec”, University of Silesia in Katowice, Sosnowiec, POLAND; title of the presentation: “From mighty to yellow: the change in the British description of Japan throughout the 20th century”;

02.06.2023 “Beyond Language”, Adam Mickiewicz University, WROCLAW, POLAND / Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, ITALY; title of the presentation “Linguistic Heritage — on Yiddish Loanwords and their Status in English, Polish and Japanese: Corpus and Lexicographic Study/Analysis” (co-authors: Steven Jarosz, Aleksandra Ryś);

13.03.2023 “OMIS – Oriental Meetings in Sosnowiec”, University of Silesia in Katowice, Sosnowiec, POLAND; title of the presentation: “Japan in the 19th-century British newspapers: discourse analysis”;

24.10.2022 “Japonia mówi o świecie // Świat mówi o Japonii”, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, POLAND; title of the presentation “Językowy obraz Japonii w londyńskich XIX-wiecznych gazetach”;

25–27.07.2022 “6th International Conference on Linguistics and Literature”, Paris, FRANCE; title of the presentation: “Journey’s Profiles in Polish, English and Japanese from the Lexical Synonymy Analysis Perspective” (co-author: Agnieszka Jedziniak);

25.10.2021 “OMIS – Oriental Meetings in Sosnowiec”, University of Silesia in Katowice, Sosnowiec, POLAND; title of the presentation: “The Analysis of English and Japanese Compounds in ‘New Penguin Parallel Text: Short Stories in Japanese'”;

18–19.06.2021 “Wroclaw Meetings of Young Philologists”, University of Wrocław, Wroclaw, POLAND; title of the presentation: “Semantic transparency and analysability of Japanese and English compound words”;

24–25.10.2019 “Przestrzenie Przekładu 5”, University of Silesia in Katowice, Sosnowiec, POLAND; titles of the presentations: “Odmienność przekładu filmowego jako wyzwanie dla tłumacza” (co-author: Magdalena Podstawska); “Ewaluacja samodzielnych tłumaczeń z perspektywy studentów”.

Member of the Organising Committees:

10-18.09.2024 “Cognitive Linguistics in the Year 2024: Motivation in Language”, Katowice, POLAND;
“After Shock: New Perspectives in Literary Studies and Linguistics”, Rome, ITALY;
OMIS – Oriental Meetings in Sosnowiec”, Sosnowiec, POLAND;
02-03.10.2023 “3rd Humor Research Project”, Katowice, POLAND;
 “OMIS – Oriental Meetings in Sosnowiec”, Sosnowiec, POLAND.